Are you interested in becoming
an OBedience OR RALLY-O JudgE?
an OBedience OR RALLY-O JudgE?
BeginnersAt Obedience Ribbon Trials the Judge of Beginners and Novice may be any person not being a disqualified person under the rules of the New Zealand Kennel Club, and who has previously competed in Test C, attaining a minimum of 280 in a Championship Obedience Show.
NoviceJudges on the Beginners and Novice Championship Panel may judge Beginners and Novice at Championship Obedience Tests.
Test AJudges on the Test A Panel may judge Beginners, Novice and Test A at Championship Obedience Tests.
Test BJudges on the Test B Panel may judge Beginners, Novice, Test A and Test B at Championship Obedience Tests.
Test CJudges on the Test C Panel may judge all tests at Championship Obedience Tests. Only judges on the Test C Panel may judge Test C and award Challenge Certificates at Championship Obedience Tests.
Rally-O NoviceProcedure for Rally-O Judges to progress from the Novice Panel to the Advanced Panel Criteria
The Applicant must:
Advanced & ExcellentProcedure for Rally-O Judges to progress from the Advanced Panel to the Excellent Panel Criteria.
The Applicant must:
Rally-O EncoreProcedure for Rally-O Judges to progress from the Excellent Panel to the Encore Panel Criteria
The Applicant must:
BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE SHOWWhat happens at our shows from a Judges point of view?
A is for Arrival - make sure you arrive early enough to set up everything required for your ring before the scheduled start time.
B is for Behaviour - make sure that you behave in a manner befitting of a Judge. C is for Consistency - make sure that you judge every team consistently including standing in the same place for each dog and if following them do so at the same distance. D is for Dress. A judge should dress appropriately for the task. Since NZ may experience all weathers in one day you will need clothing from gumboots to sunhats! E is for Excellent - one of the RallyO classes F is for FUN! At the end of the day Obedience and RallyO are a hobby and we should try to make it enjoyable for everyone. G is for H is for Hat - you might need one when you're judging, rain, hail or shine. I is for Interest - you should give every competitor the same amount of interest when they are in your ring J is for judging - which is what this website is all about! Please email us with ideas for the rest of the alphabet :-) |